

Written by Funn Lim

With episode 25 being the last episode, here concludes my episodic thoughts for this series. I am very happy that I actually completed all 25 episodes with somewhat almost full recaps. I am still working on the new and old 18 stratagems' translation and so this blog will remain open until I finish everything. I am also in the midst of writing a review for this series and will post the link here as soon as it is finished. I thank Kidd for all her help with the cast list, fact checking and invaluable comments and I also thank Sehseh for the 18 stratagems and also to everyone who has dropped by here or at Jaynestars and posted comments in my episodic thoughts. It was fun to write even if a bit hectic because this series contained a wealth of information unlike most series so it was more difficult to recap. But like I said, it was fun and I hope you have enjoyed reading my thoughts and I thank you again for sharing yours.

This blog's posts shall remain open indefinitely and even if you have or have not watched this series, your comments is still very much welcomed. I will receive notices of any comments posted so I will be sure to respond to any enquiries, if any, whether here or at Jaynestars. Do take note since this is a very new series and some may not have watched it, please avoid posting future spoilers in any respective episodes but if you wish to discuss that particular future spoiler, please go to the respective episode where that spoiler will happen.

Thanks again!

- 18 stratagems
- New 18 stratagems

- Review 


  1. cool i like your blog layout, and also there are other three kingdoms blogs here like

  2. yea cool site, which theme u using? and i went to the blog as well, u can buy rtk old pc games there as well, cool as well


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